Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Terezin Concentration Camp

Hello all. Today my Jewish Studies Class took a field trip to Terezin, a concentration camp in the Czech Republic. First, however, we went to see the place where the British paratroopers who assassinated Reinhard Heydrich (the Nazi Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, a very bad man) hid while they were being mercilessly searched for throughout Prague. These brave men stayed underground in a crypt for weeks on end, with each other to keep them company and sane. One of the men who was initially part of the mission gave his fellow soldiers away and the Nazis went to the crypt and killed all the men (after a long battle was bravely put on by these men). It was very emotional to enter the crypt- the bullet holes were still in the wall and the place where the men tried to dig themselves out during the raid is also still there. This was a big way to start out an emotional day. Terezin is another story completely, one that I simply, and unfortunately don't have the words for. Being there caused me to feel emotions I never have before, and I ended up talking very little and simply listening as the field trip went on. It is impossible to explain what I felt as I walked through the places where so many people lived in horror and died for no reason. Simply put, today was a very difficult day- one that I will not soon forget. Sending all my love. Until next time.
Here we are during the cooking class last night

Janna, pro cardigan-wearing chef

Janna and Julia, pro onion choppers

Inside the crypt- you can see in the bottom right where they tried to dig out.

Terezin memorial

Terezin memorial

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